Be So Good That They Can’t Ignore You

Be So Good That They Can’t Ignore You

There was this quote I read many years ago that really stuck with me. Be so good that they can’t ignore you. An extrapolation of Cal Newport’s book “So Good They Can’t Ignore You,” where he delves into getting great at something instead of chasing passion. You can listen to him speak about the concept at length here.

Instead, I chose to take those words at face value. It was something that came to me at a time where I was really struggling with my mental health. To be quite frank, my moments of solitude would leave me feeling a strong sense of despondency.

So I would draw power from that quote. To me it was a beacon of light. It gave me a sense that if I managed to continually improve myself, in any way, shape, or form, there would be value added to me – and at some point I would rack up so much value, somebody would be bound to notice my efforts and acknowledge me as their equal. Or so that was the thought process at the time.

It’s different now. I still draw power from that quote, but I’ve uncoupled the idea that I need to improve myself for other people. Rather, the improvement is purely a self-experimental game. I’ve set it up to see how far I can push myself. Often times, the game is extended to test my physical and/or mental limits. But I have found myself utilizing this quote in my professional life as well.

One of my goals that I made to myself at the start of my Massage Therapy career was that every treatment I would give has to maintain a certain standard of quality. I would not allow myself to treat my clients in any way lesser than what I would deem optimal. It may sound like an unreasonable expectation to upkeep, but it was an expectation that empowered me to do my best.

The first clinic I worked at, I ended up being managed by an individual who was very disingenuous, to put it politely. Any opportunity to give me a hard time was taken. It came to a point where I had to stand my ground, and of course, like in any power struggle, when a firm stance is taken, the person pulling the strings has two options: to capitulate, or to exterminate. In this instance, the latter was an impossibility because the clinic needed money.

In the 4 months that I worked there, I was able to generate as much income for the clinic as the previous Massage Therapist who had worked there for nearly twice as long! Be so good that they can’t ignore you. In a situation where the clinic manager was tempted to the point of firing me because I wouldn’t capitulate to unnecessary demands, the clinic owner just couldn’t reason it in the business’ favour because my skill was valuable.

I’d like to extend this idea to relationships romantic and platonic, and even daily life.

  • When you’re spending quality time with that special somebody – show up and be one hundred percent present. Be so in the moment, that you’ve removed yourself from the distractions of this reality, and entered a reality that only the two of you share
  • When your good friends ask for help, don’t think twice about it! They will know that they can always count on you because you always stick to your word
  • If you co-habitate with a partner or roomate(s), take the extra steps to pick up after yourself – be so immaculate that you leave no traces behind

In all realms of life, when this quote is applied appropriately, you will always come out on top. Even if nobody is there to acknowledge it – you will have peace of mind, because you know you have put your best foot forward.

Thanks for Reading

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